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Big Upgrades, coming with RAR 4

Something Big is Coming

Be prepared. Learn more info my checking RAR weekly!

What qualifies as a commercial product?

For a product to become a commercial one, it first needs to qualify.

A product must have all of the following to qualify:

1. Self-maintenance

2. Specs (like battery, suction, dimensions) to be able to clean large spaces

3. More (read all requirements here)

All devices are inspected and certified by RAR professionals.

Snowy December no logo (Story format)

Commercial Robots

Weather you need help with cleaning, tracking inventory, or a lot more we've got you covered with our robots. A simple operating system allows you to manage your robot on the go however you want.

RAR Banner image

Commercial robots are offered by us RAR. Thanks to our partners we have an amazing collection of robots. Our robots are available in Costa Navarino and other Marriot Bonvoy hotels. They are perfect for small, medium, and large companies.

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Roboty osobiste

Dodatkowa ręka do wszystkiego. Zapytaj o coś takiego:

Jak gotować makaron


Odkurzacz robota sprzątaczki

Roboty, które skutecznie sprzątają Twój dom. Czy to mycie, czy odkurzanie.

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