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Big Updates to RAphaelo - 2omni, safety, T&C and much more

Today, we're introducing our brand-new model and even more important safety updates that will better help us protect our community!

RAphaelo 2omni

Our latest and most powerful model brings new features with improved safety.

RA - 2omni is up to 2.5X faster than RA - 2. The model has been trained on a lot more images and now understands the world we live in better, in turn, generating more realistic and accurate images.

Edit images

You can now edit existing images or ones you've generated before! We're also bringing a new watermark that will showcase whether the image is generated or edited.

Playground 2.0 (Coming later this Summer)

A new, redesigned space for your imagination, paired with more customization and dark mode, lets you create uninterrupted! More information coming soon.

*Preview coming soon.

Expand prompt

You'll be able to write a simple prompt and our powerful text model will expand it - you'll be able to review it.

Prompt-to-Image in real-time (Coming later this Summer)

RA - 2omni is so fast that it'll soon allow you to preview one image while typing, in real-time! More will be generated once you submit the prompt.

Generate a short video/GIF

RA - 2omni allows you to generate a short video of all images that appeared while typing.

Safety and new T&C

We're bringing even more safety features and updating a few sections of our terms and conditions.

Metadata - Safety

Generated images and short videos will now include detailed metadata that is AI-generated. In this way, even if someone removes the watermark, our community will stay informed. We're working on features that won't allow anyone, except us, to change the metadata of an AI-generated (by RAphaelo 2omni) image.

Copyright check & AI-generated check - Safety (Coming later this fall)

We'll be rolling out new features that will help protect you from copyright infringement and notify you in case of AI-generated content. Copyright check will scan over 10M publicly available images and give you a result that will help you determine how you can use an image. And, AI-generated check will allow you to upload an image (and later any content) and will more accurately determine whether it's AI-generated (or edited - in the future).

Changes to T&C

You can review all of our T&Cs here. Here's a quick sum up/summary:

  1. RAR now has more detailed access to your prompt and output

  2. RAR now has copyright rights to your generations

  3. You can now use these images for commercial use

  4. And more

Opening up even more and Credits

Important updates to who has access and a new payment system.

Opening up (17 June)

RAphaelo 2omni will be available to all Premium users. Free users will be able to request access. Free users will be able to use RAphaelo (1) starting today and will get access to our models later this year.


To better reflect our changes, we're introducing a new payment currency. We're excited to bring a discounted rate to students - further expanding our new Student offerings!

Please review the tables below for more detailed information.





Tester (volunteer)

Unlimited free access


All models - you can apply for access


Free, then 20% discounted price


RAphaelo 2omni - verification required


Free, then the usual price


RAphaelo (1)


Free, then 10% discounted price

100 - 500 C/month *Check the pricing section for more info

RAphaelo (1), RAphaelo 2omni


Short videos


1 Credit / image

+3 Credits

RAphaelo 2omni

1 Credit / 2 images (discounted)

feature unavailable

RAphaelo 2

1 Credit / 4 images

feature unavailable

RAphaelo (1)

Number of Credits

Price (USD)













10 000C


*Subject to change - will not be updated here!

Keep RARing. More amazing updates are coming soon!

- Your RAR Team

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Upgrades to RAR Blog

Get on with learning and reading with the new RAR Blog which allows you to do more!

Coming Soon as part of RAR 3

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