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RAR Recap - June 2024

As you may know, we recently posted our latest Recap on our social platforms.

What's New?

We have exciting features and products announced during June.

RApahelo 2omni and more

Read the full press release. We announced our latest, most advanced model, RAphaelo 2omni, which improves in speed and accuracy in physics and more. Anyone who has a RAR account can access the RApahelo models, and free users can buy extra credits when their free ones are used up. A new watermark informs you when an image has been edited and so much more.

Upgraded Support Center

We've added multiple new companies, added new manuals, updated outdated ones, and tested a multilingual version.

Recycle your old batteries (Beta)

A limited amount of users will get access to our latest program, made possible by our partner.

News and Tips

What did we review, and how did we help?

RAR OS III Weekly Reveal

Watch the video on our social channels.

💫Tip: RAR OS 2.8 is here! Check to see if your device has been updated.

Spring Cleaning Tips

Watch the video on our social channels.

Celebrations (RAR Holidays)

What did we celebrate this month?

Happy Father's Day

Celebrated Father's Day together with love, discounts, and more!

The small stuff

Other minor improvements this month.

  • RAR OS 2.8 is live

  • Upgraded loyalty program: earn more points, redeem more rewards


  • We launched a highly successful Father's Day campaign

  • Grew our following and engagement on social platforms

  • Launched a new payment currency for RApahelo 2omni

  • Implemented changes to our loyalty program which we're still testing

  • Launched a fairly successful Spring Cleaning campaign

  • Created a X account for RAR OS III which has grown a following

  • And more

And more

Keep RARing!

- Your RAR Team

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